Anxiety, Depression,

& Stress Management

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than 25% of American adults experience depression, anxiety, or another mental health disorder in any given year. Symptoms of these disorders can affect both mind and body, so seeking treatment is key to finding relief and healing.

  • Anxiety

    Did you know anxiety is the top reason people seek out treatment? Anxiety can look like trembling, feeling shaky or restless, muscle tension, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath. Symptoms can also include lightheadedness, dizziness, tingling sensations, problems falling asleep, difficulty paying attention, problems concentrating, and more. Anxiety can feel like being uncomfortable or jittery inside, feeling uneasy or nervous, and feeling unsure of yourself. Anxiety can be normal in stressful situations such as public speaking or taking a test. However, when feelings of anxiety become excessive, all-consuming, and interfere with daily life, it could be an indicator of an underlying issue.

  • Depression

    Approximately 6.7% of adults in the US experience at least one episode of depression each year. According to the World Health Organization, depression carries the heaviest burden of disability of all mental health disorders. Depression can interfere with relationships, decrease productivity, and make fulfilling basic responsibilities or tasks each day extremely difficult. Experiencing a combination of symptoms like an extremely low, sad or empty mood, loss of interest in things that you used to enjoy, extremes of appetites that lead to weight loss or gain, too much or too little sleep, agitation, extreme fatigue that doesn’t get better with sleep, feelings of worthlessness or extreme guilt, indecisiveness, and frequent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation for a period of at least two weeks can be indicative of depression.

  • Stress Management

    Do you frequently feel hurried, pressured, or stressed, thinking there’s not enough time in the day to get it all done? Do you have trouble falling asleep because you are thinking of all the things that have to be done tomorrow? You might be experiencing stress overload. Additional symptoms can include heart palpitations, sweating, hands or body shakes, feeling nervous or tense, dry mouth, frequent urination or diarrhea, changes in appetite, long-term fatigue, difficulty getting over an illness, persistent physical problems such as headaches, asthma, stomach issues, back pain, skin breakouts, and sexual problems.

Finding relief for symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress is possible. Contact us today to start your journey of growth, healing, and clarity.

You are not alone. We’re here to help.